

It is important for me to provide opportunities for others.  My philanthropic efforts support those projects that may not garner the widespread attention of the general public or main stream media. In my small way, I hope to share their endeavors through my videos to help them achieve their goals. 

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One Team, One Mission - Puerto Rico Power

The damage in Puerto Rico caused by Hurricane Maria was unlike anything the electric power industry has ever seen on the mainland United States, impacting all critical infrastructure and damaging at least 80 percent of the island's energy grid. Nearly 60 investor-owned electric companies and public power utilities committed crews, equipment, and/or materials to the emergency power restoration mission. Overall, approximately 3,000 industry lineworkers and support personnel were involved in the restoration effort on the island. On May 31, the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) announced that power has been restored to 99.3 percent of its customers across the island who can receive electricity. This is a significant milestone that was reached by PREPA and its restoration partners, including FEMA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and its contractors, and industry mutual assistance crews. Learn more at I was recruited to tell their story, here is my video.


Out Cycling & Fearless Flyers

A friend of mine told me about his cycling group, and how they help LGBT+ youths. He asked if I could help tell their story — of course I said yes! They are friendly, interesting people from all walks of life. Whether you're interested in training to become a better cyclist, or looking to make some new friends for casual riding, they have a place for you. Here’s my video.


Restoring Power In Puerto Rico

I had the opportunity to travel to Puerto Rico to help tell the stories of the U.S. mainland utilities restoring powers to millions of people. Here is one of my favorites videos I created with Arizona Power System.


New Jersey Zombie Walk

The annual event is designed to raise awareness and support to educate the public about brain cancer. Here’s a video I created to help organizers promote their event, which attracts more than 10,000 zombies.



In 2022 I was asked to be the key note speaker at the PFLAG NOLA scholarship awards. I took the opportunity to interview a a couple of the students on their educational and career goals.